Pass on the Good Work of God through Stories to the Next Generation

“Older women ….so train the young women to ….so that the word of God may not be reviled” (Titus 2:3-5) 

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Do you often feel like no one cares or is listening? You think what you are doing is not that important?  Do you see certain needs, and want others to come around you to help but somehow feel you are the only one with the vision?

In 2000, I was interviewing a leader from an International Organization. She had been the President’s wife of that company for many years. She was a counterpart of mine at that time but she was considered one of those “older women who could teach younger women” like myself.  

I was just starting out as a corporate leader’s wife at that time, and had a desire for reaching out to our women around the world. I liked what I saw in her experience and spirit and wanted to learn from her as I went forward. (more…)

Who Me? Moving Again?

Home is Where the Heart is

Psalm 91:1 -2 says, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust.”

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Due to the nature of our mission work Jim and I have moved 22 times in our 35 years of marriage. How many times have you moved?

I don’t know about you but transitions can be very unsettling! Each place I have had to learn to make it a home where we could dwell. However, I have felt my heart is in two different places. The location I lived before and grown to love and the present home that is before me.

  • One way I have handled the emotions of moving is to convince myself, “As long  as my family is there, (where I thought my heart needed to be), any place can become home.”

However is family enough? What about a person not married, a widow, or a mom whose kids leave the nest or maybe they don’t even have kids? (more…)