We Plan But God Directs

“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9 (ESV)

When you were young was there a sport or hobby, or a skill you were made to participate in or develop that you didn’t like? Or something you were working hard on but it didn’t turn out the way you felt it should have, wasting all of your time?    

When I was young, tennis was something my grandmother and aunt played and desired for me. It was the known game of the “elite” (those with more financial means, usually those with power and influence or privilege). I didn’t consider myself “those people”. I thought, to be “one” of them meant you weren’t friendly to others less fortunate than you.

But because I loved and was taught to respect my grandmother I took the tennis lessons she paid for. I learned the basics of tennis but never really developed my form. Oh how my grandmother would be smiling today if she were to see me. Presently, Jim and I play several times a week. I’ve come a long way since those formative years.

Funny how age and perspective changes one’s opinion.“Those people” and “elite” sounds funny and foreign to me now. But as a child I thought playing tennis associated me as one of them. “Don’t ‘upper class’ people look down on others?” Of course we can’t generalize like this! But in my judging, I did not realize I was doing the same thing to them!

Today, I feel, I love all and enjoy many types of people, rich or poor, of various colors from around the world. God has expanded my heart to encompass all types and it is growing. I have friends all across the nations. I don’t think of myself or them as some “special class” of people.  

Tennis today can be an activity for any person. But any active hobby takes money if we are to be good at it. Maybe that is what made tennis feel like it was the game of the “elite”. But to play tennis presently, all one needs is a racket and balls. Courts are everywhere. Tennis doesn’t change one’s personality, it is the attitude of one’s heart that makes a person.

Jim and I have had the thrill of playing tennis since our honeymoon days, 36 plus years ago. Almost all of our kids play as well.

When we got married, unknown to me, Jim also had played some tennis when younger. He knew a little bit more about tennis than I did but hadn’t had too much training either. He was not considered “upper class,” but he loved playing, unlike me.

A friend and former classmate from college offered tennis lessons to us a wedding gift. How kind!! He was good.  Little did we know:

  1. Tennis would be one of our number one resources for getting to know people in the Philippines and beyond.
  2. Tennis is a sport we could play every vacation as a family, even today.
  3. Tennis is a sport Jim and I can do to keep up exercise and spend time together.

Tennis wouldn’t have been the sport I would have chosen as a young girl, but I love tennis today. It has opened up so many doors for sharing Christ with others. Can you think of something you felt was a waste of time and today God is using for His Glory or something failed after all your planning and hard work yet today God uses for greater Gospel impact?  

God doesn’t waste anything! We often plan, but thank the Lord He directs. What I didn’t like or thought had no purpose when I was little, God would use to great effect when I was older for His Glory. Thank you Mamama (Ma-Ma-Ma’) (my grandmother, who is no longer living) for those first tennis lessons. I am sorry I complained so much.

Personal Reflections: Tennis would not have been the sport of choice,  but I love tennis today!!! Can you think of something you felt was a waste of time and today God is using for his Glory? Is there someone you might just need to be thankful for, for their impact in your life? Would love to hear your story in the comment section of the blog I Don’t Like Tennis”.  

From One Pilgrim to another together on the journey

Consider how you may spur one another on towards love and good deeds….. encouraging one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV)

“ Intentionally journaling alongside of mission minded women in order to encourage them to see God in their story, moving them closer to Jesus, and to discover their place in God’s Kingdom”

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