Me Lord? Go There?

The Importance of Finding and Knowing Your Call

“Be strong and courageous, do not fear or be dismayed for I am the Lord your God and I will be with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:920151012154702737_0001

Have you ever cried out to God and said, “God, I am willing to go anywhere you would have me to go. God I am willing to be anything you want me to be.”? Then the day comes and God says, “I want you to go there”.  There LordAre you sure?” You find yourself afraid, or disappointed and want answers now!  So how do you know God’s call on your life for mission?

Some years after we had been married, Jim, my husband said,  “What do you think about us going to the Philippines?”  My internal reaction was, “What Lord… the Philippines?”

It was 1982, I was 22, and I found myself scared and second guessing. Second guessing God’s call on my life.  “Was it the Philippines? God are you sure I’m ready?  What do I have to offer in ministry? Are you sure God?”  God took me back to Joshua, who also struggled with his call. Even today I sometimes still doubt my abilities, my skills, and God’s call on my life. God reminds me of Joshua.  

Joshua was an assistant to a great man of God, Moses. One day God asked him to do something for Him, and maybe Joshua found it a little unnerving too. Joshua was told he was going to be the next leader.  He was commissioned before the people by God Himself.  Moses spoke these words before Israel:  “Be strong and courageous, do not fear or be dismayed (discouraged or discontent) for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go”.  Possibly these words didn’t mean anything to Joshua at the time Moses was still alive and leading. However , the day came when Moses did die! Joshua would now need to be courageous.

Joshua mourned for Moses for 31 days, then God said: “Get up Joshua, it is time to raise up and lead, to take the people into the promised land!” God gave his orders, reminding  Joshua of his calling on his life. “Joshua, how will you receive the baton for the next task ahead?”  

Joshua’s story helps me find the courage to take the next steps as God leads me out.

Joshua knew God had called him but  he needed to be reminded.  He probably was afraid, grieving, counting the cost, second guessing his leadership in comparison to Moses, his great leader and hero.  He wanted to know, like I do sometimes, “God are you with us?”  

I knew God had called me. “God I will go anywhere you want me to go!”  I now wanted to know God had called me, not just my husband, to the Philippines! I didn’t want to go overseas 10,000 miles away and have something happen.  Would I blame the situation on my husband, on the mission, and/or on my team?  If I was going to leave my family and friends here as I knew them, I had to know God had called not only my husband, Jim, but me too.  Jim, also wanted to know what God might be saying to me.  

As God reminded Joshua of his calling what can we learn?

  1. God reminded Joshua of His calling.  “Arise Joshua it is time…..”   

Question: How has God lead you?  

What steps, events, circumstances, people, bible verses, important to you had he used to teach or guide you up to now about Himself and you?   For me, God was confirming and reminding me of His call on my life! I had been willing to go anywhere.  Did this exclude the Philippines?

  1. God’s Presence:  God came to Joshua personally,“I will not forsake or fail you”. God was  reassuring Joshua of His covenant relationship with Him.  It can’t be broken.  

Question: What are your fears?  

God was reassuring me of His personal relationship and presence.  He would only want good for me!  Do you believe that?Whatever God ask of us we can trust Him to be there, not to fail or forsake us.   

  1. God’s Promise: “Meditate on my Word night and day and you shall have great success. I will be with you wherever you go.”

Question: How has God spoken to you through His Word?   

God was reminding and reassuring me of His resources: the importance of His Word in my life.  Again, He would be with me where ever I went.  He was calling me personally through His Word.

  1. God’s Commands:  Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous, do not fear or be dismayed for I am the Lord your God and I will be with you wherever you go.” Three times these words are repeated in the passage to encourage Joshua, but now God commands them.  Promising “wherever” I go, He would be with me. I thought it said Philippines, popping off the page.  I had to read it again.

Question: Are you listening and obeying what God is saying to you?  

God knew my heart and was speaking directly to me, saying “do not be afraid,”commanding me to be strong and courageous!  I could/can, because He will be with me “wherever” I go. He had confirmed his leading, told me his presence would be with me, he had given his promises, His Word, now commanding me to be strong and courageous. I had a choice to make, would I listen, believe and obey or not?

  1. God’s Community:  Joshua  knew there would be battles–lots of spiritual warfare, when he took that step of obedience, he knew God had called him to. He knew God’s presence and promises would always be with him.  He knew God would be his stronghold as he walked through those battles. The people responded: “We will follow you, only promise us you will follow the God of Moses.”  

Question:  Is God confirming His call through you by God’s people?  

God used our pastor, close friends and open doors to confirm this call in our lives. We lived in the Philippines in June of 1982 and served there for 13 years, until 1995.            

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(Our First Prayer Card 1982, picture above)

In summary: God reveals and seals His call in our lives:

  • Through our desires  (reference: I Tim. 3:1; Act 20:28; Acts 13:1-3; Psalms 37: 4)  
  • Through God’s presence, promises (His Word) and commands,  (Joshua 1:1-9)
  • Doors opening and closing (circumstances),  (Acts 14:1-3)
  • Godly wisdom confirming it (Acts 13:1-3)  

As you continue to read this blog I hope that you will see His Hand as the footprint of our lives, especially for this one woman on Faith and Mission.   

Personal Reflections:  What do you think about a person’s calling?  What steps above spoke to you about finding your call? Please tell us your story.   

From one woman pilgrim to another, journeying together.



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